AGP loves the sandbox at school.
Most days when we pick her up, she can be found BAREFOOT digging in the cool sand!
She asked for her very own sandbox for her birthday.
Commodore and Uncle Marty were kind enough to grant her the birthday wish!
John and AGP worked together to turn the bottom of her play set
into a sandbox suitable for Her Royal Highness.
The project was completed in stages and is documented below...
Most days when we pick her up, she can be found BAREFOOT digging in the cool sand!
She asked for her very own sandbox for her birthday.
Commodore and Uncle Marty were kind enough to grant her the birthday wish!
John and AGP worked together to turn the bottom of her play set
into a sandbox suitable for Her Royal Highness.
The project was completed in stages and is documented below...
Once the ground preparations were completed, John and AGP put down landscape cloth.
Then pesky things like ~
end of the year,
final exams,
the flu,
strep throat,
double ear infections,
caused the project to stop for a few weeks.
But as soon as they could get back to work...
They did exactly that!
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