Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hanging with Papa!

Columbus Fair - AG loves a carousel ride!
Chuck E. Cheese and his friend, AGP!

Now that is what I call a big girl and a big sandwich!
A girl has to have her strength to cheer for AHS Tigers!

What a long weekend!
AGP crashed during Little Einstein's!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Naturally Sweetened Corn Syrup!

No chemical concoction in the world could make this corn any sweeter.

Where did my legs go?

So soft!

AGP loved the corn pool!

Pure Joy!
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Blondes Really Do Have More Fun!!

Shopping for new jeans and boots with Papa.
A girl has to look good for her date with her Papa!

Sliding at Chuck E. Cheese

Getting ready for the movie with Papa.

Rumor has it that Papa and AGP took a nap during the movie.

Swimming - cold - no the water is not cold!!!
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The Haircut

Miss Brittany came prepared...
capes, scissors, combs, clips, and LOLLIPOP!

Did she bring patience for a wiggle worm with silky, fine hair?

Looks like they had a blast!
Thank you, Brittany!!
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