Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Silly Girl!!!

A few nights ago, AGP was completely obsessed
with her princess storage bag.
She ran around with it on her for hours.
At bedtime, she announced to us that
she would be sleeping in her new "house" like Winston.

We played along during the bedtime rituals.
Brushing her teeth and using the potty were
quite entertaining for us!

But we quickly realized,
the girl had a plan and intended to carry it out!

Not sure how Papa worked his magic and got the storage bag off,
but he did {and then I slept.}
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Sandbox Project!

AGP loves the sandbox at school.
Most days when we pick her up, she can be found BAREFOOT digging in the cool sand!
She asked for her very own sandbox for her birthday.
Commodore and Uncle Marty were kind enough to grant her the birthday wish!

John and AGP worked together to turn the bottom of her play set
into a sandbox suitable for Her Royal Highness.
The project was completed in stages and is documented below...
AGP loved working with the tools while
sporting rain boots and work gloves with her DRESS!
Just so you know that AGP maintained HRH status during work.
Once the ground preparations were completed, John and AGP put down landscape cloth.
Then pesky things like ~
end of the year,
final exams,
the flu,
strep throat,
double ear infections,
caused the project to stop for a few weeks.
But as soon as they could get back to work...
They did exactly that!
AGP or HRH loved the sand bags for obvious reasons.
She pretended to be the Princess with a pea under her mattresses!

Dumping the sand was a great thrill!
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The Great Gardening Experiment

Step 1 was not captured. Here the garden box is set up, ground prepared,
and watered? Yep, watered by AGP!

AGP loves the idea of gardening and growing plants and flowers.
She is not very patient with Mother Nature's time table.
Not sure how many veggies or blooms will make it to ripe on the plant!

Soil added and ready for plants and seeds.
AGP planted a strawberry plant {already dead},
two tomato pomato plants,
two watermelon plants {in my flower bed},
and carrot seeds.
She selected all of these plants and seeds at Lowe's.

See what a hard worker AGP was!
Patience is not her strongest character trait at this point!
AGP wants results and wants them now
~ or she's off to a new adventure!

Watering is her FAVORITE job!

If AGP had total control,
the tomato plant would need Noah's Ark to survive!
She loves to water.
We hear 50 times a day that the plants are hot and thirsty!

Still watering!
UPDATE: AGP has harvested 2 ripe tomatoes pomatoes from the plant in the picture above.
She refused to share and ate them like an apple!
She was a happy little gardener!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Good Book Shared Between Friends!

John and AGP went to Atlanta for a fun-filled day!
They started the day at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.
As usual, AGP found friends and a book.
The girl loves a good book!

Who needs words on a bronze book for a story?
Not AGP and the frogs!
Three pictures are worth a thousand words!

And they lived happily ever after!
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And smell the roses
or verbena {whatever happens to be in your path}
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