Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Paperwork is Piling Up! 9 - 0 WDE!!!

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn.
Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind
and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and
confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid,
and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and
mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things,
I believe in Auburn and love it.

-George Petrie (1945)

AGP and Sam have perfected their technique...
must have a tail and use the correct wrist action!

AGP is a natural!!!

It will look even prettier Sunday morning!!
Can't go to heaven and walk the streets of gold with God's passwords,
Roll Tide Roll unless you have TP from Toomer's Corner!!

Where else do thousands of people orderly and cheerfully go to celebrate by throwing toilet paper?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Soul Sisters

AGP has a dear friend, Stella!
These two are connected deep in their souls.
It would just be a sweet connection if they didn't look like sisters!
Stella almost jumps out of Kristi or Kelli's {her momma} arms
to get to AGP when she sees her.
AGP runs over everything {even Mimi} to get to Stella!
She never cries when Stella grabs a handful of hair!
It is wild how much Stella reminds me of AGP just a few short years ago.
All I can say is WATCH OUT WORLD!

Yes, Stella is well connected in the world of Auburn athletics.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a Little Something to Wet Your Appetite

I started feeling a little excited tonight so I started looking at Halloweens past.
I decided you all needed a little taste of the last 3 years to prepare for Halloween 2010!
AGP wanted to be a princess ~ shocker, I know.
I stumbled onto the most adorable kimono ever at TJMaxx.
I bought it thinking it would be used for dress up if she hated it.
I was quite thrilled when she saw it and exclaimed,
"I can be Mulan at the matchmaker's, not Mulan that saves China." Whew!

~ Enjoy the stroll down Halloween Memory Lane ~

Halloween 07
The Flower Fairy

Halloween 08
Fancy Nancy
Halloween 09
The Great Pumpkin

One of my favorite pictures ever!
AGP and Papa

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Payton's Party and a HUGE Hurdle!

Payton turned 2!!
She celebrated at Monkey Park.
The monkeys are gone, but the train is still there!

 Stephen and Payton with John and AGP prepare for the second half of the 30 minute train ride!
Now it is the time Papa and Momma dreaded the most ~
AGPs' face expresses how we felt!

YEP! Gigi's cupcakes for everyone!
Those delicious treats contain a whopping 34 grams of carbs!
Where is the insulin?

 Nice picture ~
diabetes medical alert bracelet and a Gigi's cupcake!

Don't be fooled by the picture. AGP ate less than half of her cupcake!
We survived our first birthday party with diabetes!

Bunnies Galore

Looks pretty sweet, huh!
Well, looks can be deceiving!
This poor bunny was praying for a rescue!!!

 AGP and her friends LOVED on all the bunnies!
I felt sorry for the cute little animals.

 Yep, there it is ~ the death grip!!

AGP loves to be the photographer!
Maybe this will be her chosen profession;
instead of the recent declaration of becoming the oil change person!

AGP tried her best to climb into the pen with the calf.
She was ready to stay all day with this baby and the baby bunnies.
The weather would not allow us to spend much longer on a fall day!
The temp was a cool 90 degrees by 10:30 am!!

AGP really is sweet and just wanted to love the bunny!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dinner's Ready...

There is usually lots of noise and activity while I cook dinner.
This was not the case two days last week.
 I was able to cook the meals without tripping over a poodle and a blonde!
I was very curious...


Not really sure why,
but pictures of these two three sleeping together are my favorites!
Sweet dreams!

Picking the Perfect Pumpkin is Work, Hard Work

 AGP's school went on a field trip to a farm with a pumpkin patch and small petting zoo.
It was awesome! After a bumpy hay ride full of giggles,
the kids were allowed to walk through the pumpkin patch to pick the perfect pumpkin.
What a task! One that AGP took very seriously!

 AGP walked and walked and studied many pumpkins.
She was very sincere with her search!
She would pick one up, look it over, and put it back down.
Then she moved on to the next pumpkin.
She did not want a dirty one!

I was asked to examine a few of the possible winners.
My opinion did not weigh much - if any at all.
She carried a few from row to row only to find a new resting spots
for the sad, unwanted pumpkins.
{I started having flashes of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree!}



 Honestly, they all looked the same to me!
But AGP would have no part of hurrying and just picking a pumpkin!

 Weight was not a factor or concern,
She lifted them all and examine every inch!

But when AGP found THE PERFECT PUMPKIN, she knew it.
 She was very proud of her selection and the process she used to find
 "my most perfect pumpkin for me and Papa to make pumpkin pies and faces with!"

Friday, October 15, 2010

The New Weekly Routine

Life with diabetes can be quite overwhelming and hectic. It feels like we live form meal to meal, finger pop to finger pop, and correction routine follows. I have been getting up at 2 am and sometimes more to check AGP's blood sugar levels (aka BSL). This does not make for restful, refreshing sleep. All this means is one slow to get started mommy.

At least once a week, I call the Diabetes Clinic at Children's Hospital in Birmingham to report AGP's BSL for each day. I call and leave a message for a nurse educator to call me back. I wait for the call. We report bsl, discuss dosage, and carb grams eaten at each meal. As you can imagine these are some very entertaining phone calls. We discuss trends/patterns over the week. I ask any questions I have and then the nurse reports the information to the doctor. Then I wait some more. There is no set time for the nurse educators to meet with doctor on call - so it is a waiting game.

With the exception of waiting for calls - I must say everyone I have been in contact with at the Diabetes Clinic has been wonderful. They are kind, caring, and patient with mom's of newly diagnosed type i diabetics.

I have several friends that offer on the spot support and advice. Tiffany has been living this life for 23 years and Connie has been the mommy of a diabetic life for almost as long. Their support has been unbelievable comforting and helpful. They don't even laugh at all my dumb questions! Thank you both!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

More Alabama State Fair

The Midway games get ya every time! Fishin' for a prize.

Go! Faster! Higher! Go!

Havin' fun flying in the ladybug!

One last ride before we head home.
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Alabama State Fair

AGP may end up a farmer! She loved the animals.

There were not enough rides for her! She loved them all.

Go faster!!!!

Bumper boats were fun and safe - no water rage!

What a night! We had a blast.
I kept up with the Auburn vs Kentucky game via blackberry messages from friends.
We got back to the car in time for the final few minutes and the VICTORY!!!
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Here are a few pictures form AGP's stay in the hospital. She was a pretty good patient.
She only screamed when needles {BIG ONES} were involved.
AGP loved the playroom and its fish tank. The pink frog was her favorite.

Cinderella's pillow and Grump the IV pole were not favorites.

Yep, she pretty much got anything and everything she wanted from everyone!

Last trip for all her BRAND NEW animals before we went home!