Sunday, April 26, 2009

AGP and Momma's Birthday Adventure

Friday afternoon, AGP told me she wanted to go on adventure with momma. I asked her what that meant... she promptly said she wanted to see Ana's cows and eat ice cream. (She knows what she wants!)

So, I went home took a quick shower and called Ann. She said we could go see her cows. Off we went. AGP immediately noticed the new cows - Red Angus. She told me that there should just be black cows and wanted to know what happened. I explained that Mr. John had been shopping and really liked the Red Angus - "No Momma brown!"

She played for 2 hours running from the fences to see the cows, chasing the cats, and playing with Shug, Tucker, and Paige. She would have stayed all night!

AGP fell asleep on the way home. I put her straight to bed - dressed, covered in animal love, and without dinner or ICE CREAM! She slept until 2:00 am when she cried because she was wet. I changed her diaper, put on pajamas, and put her in our bed. She went right back to sleep and slept until 5:41.

I better go - AGP is running around naked. I may have wet carpet soon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two new pictures

John took AGP to see the Easter Bunny. Apparently, she sat down and kissed his nose - the camera froze! This was the second shot. She loved sitting onthe Easter Bunny's lap. She even thanked him ahead of time for all her Easter candy.
I love this picture! AGP and Bentley were playing hide and seek in the front yard after her birthday party. They were adorable.
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Monday, April 20, 2009

Random Thoughts and Happenings

Anna Grace suprises us each day with all she knows and does. It is truly amazing to watch this little baby grow into an independent little person with her own thoughts and ideas.

AGP has started using prepositions in her language. She told me that she wanted to wear these shoes instead of those and that Papa's white car was parked beside us. Pretty impressive... most developmental milestones list this as a 3 year old skill. I have lost track of all the words she knows and uses correctly.

The time, money, and effort John put into her backyard "playground" is greatly appreciated by AGP. She loves to go in the backyard to climb, swing, and slide! She has told several people that Papa made her playground for her. John did an amazing job!

She puts her shoes on all by herself. Most of the time, she even puts them on the correct foot. When she has them wrong, she will say - "Momma, this shoes hurts Anna Grace's pigs!"

Her favorite song these days is Happy Birthday to Anna Grace! She loves to sing it - louder. She also likes to sing one song while we sing a different song (of her choice of course). AGP knows every song on her CD as soon as the music starts she yells out the title. "That's Muffin Man", "That's Kitchen Song"

AGP is loving the kitchen. She cooks everyday. She also takes the sink out and climbs in cabinet to hide. She thinks that is funny! Her microwave never come son that she doesn't go grab my hot pad from the cabinet to cook.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

More Birthday

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Fancy Nancy Birthday Party

The sign set the tone! thanks to Tiff, Kunze, and Meg - you girls rock!

Anna Grace's new pink kitchen!

The cake was yummy!
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

AGP turned 2

Anna Grace enjoyed her birthday or her Happy Day as she calls it. She told everyone at Kroger it was her happy day and then invited them to her Happy Party! (I am sure the birthday crown - thanks Aunt Trisha and birthday shirt weren't hints enough for everyone.)

She loved her kitchen. Her first comment was- "It's pink!" She made hot chocolate for us for almost an hour. Cooking dinner the last 3 nights has been much easier - she cooks in her kitchen while I cook in my kitchen.

By the way - she took full credit for the tenderloin, asparagus, green beans, and rice last night. Papa told her what a great cook she was and she just smiled with her head tilted and eyelashes batting.

We will post new pictures soon.