Thursday, January 21, 2010

"My Birthday Party"

My is a huge word! I gave carried her for 10 months and delivered her, so I should get some say in MY birthday party, right?


I had the grand idea of an ELOISE party at a big hotel like the Plaza. Renting a suite at Grand National Marriott, invite friends for a small party with a scavenger hunt around hotel, and then the 3 of us spend the night, order room service, and explore.


I have been told, "I want a pink birthday cake that is stacked and covered with flowers... purple, pink, and lellow. The BIG purple one goes on top. And Momma, the flowers on the cake are different form flour in the cake." She also added that the loud man on tv could make it. "You know my friend." {Ummm... that would be Buddy of Carlos Bakery in NJ... from Cake Boss on TLC}

Today she added that "MY birthday party will be all flowers, not fake, REAL ones everywhere at my house."

Back to MY drawing board or should I say, party planning table!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Babe...

~ Momma, be still. I trying to cut your hair. I just like Miss Brittany. Look at your toes and don't move!
{Yes, she had a pair of baby scissors in her hands}

~ Mee Mee, your earrings not from a little blue box like Momma's. I will tell Papa to get you some too!
{That's my girl! I think she will LOVE her trip to The Plaza and Tiffany's flagship store on Fifth Avenue}

~ No, Winston. I post to do that. You can't drink Momma's coke!

~ Ahhh... oh, no. I missed the school bus. All the children will be sad.

~ Look at the beautiful colors of the sun. It is happy to see me!
{Because the sun only shines for AGP and it follows her everywhere she goes}

~ Black cows don't get wet and brown cows don't get hot. God made them like that since they stay outside.

~ Fadder Bill - it's time to go home.
{AGP bellowed an hour into the dedication mass of our new church ~ 2 and a half hours long~ ... 2 archbishops were presiding over the mass... oops}

~ I want to wear my cowboy girl boots.
~ Oh, Momma, don't worry, it's just me... Anna Gwace!
{as she rolls all over my head and face}

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trip to Nashville

We had a nice trip! AGP loved staying in a "big hotel like the Plaza". She said she felt like Eloise. Her favorite part was going with Papa to the desk to talk to "Mr. Salomone" about parking. She also enjoyed the Godiva store located in the hotel! AGP also took this time to get acquainted with HER digital camera that Commodore sent her for Christmas. We will get those posted soon. Right now I have given you plenty to enjoy and now I am going to nap while she naps {and while CRAZY John is out for a walk with the temp below freezing}

Socks Go Where?

It is 25 degrees outside and AGP has become bored!

We had to redress every time we decided to stop and get out of the car.

Sock puppets anyone?
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"I just really want the pretty flower."
{Sorry, the Opryland Hotel is not fond of people picking flowers from their gardens ~ even cute little girls like you.}

Ummmm ~~~ AGP did it anyway! The tears in her eyes are pretty sweet.

I told John that picking flowers at the dance studio after football games would lead to trouble!

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The Pennisi Family

Never ~ Never ~ Never ~ will we get one with all 3 of us looking and smiling with eyes open!

Silly Papa and AGP ice skating!

Papa stole a kiss!

AGP was done and did not want to cooperate anymore!

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We found the most adorable cupcake shop in downtown Franklin. The store was lovely and the cupcakes were divine! If you ever get the chance... NATICAKES!

You can see AGP loves the icing. She calls the actual cupCAKE ~ the handle!

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Coffe and {HOT} Cocoa

Lunch and a much needed warm drink in downtown Franklin.


All done ~ MORE?

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What? This is not what YOU do in a hotel room?

Playing with our museum purchases.

Dinosaurs and flowers make AGP happy.

Papa even gets in the act.
{Did you notice AGP is now under the other bed ~ variety is the spice of life}

AGP found the snacks!

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Adventures in Science Museum

Making sounds on a piano keyboard with her hands.

Tom Hanks better watch out... BIG fun!

AGP loved the giant piano on the floor.

Sliding through and out of the human digestive system... complete with sound effects!

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to 2010

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Final Photos of 2009

Yes, AGP is sitting in Winston's new dog bed.

Emily came to visit.

The two girls had a high time playing.
It was quite a task to get them to bed.

"If I cover your ears and you cover mine ~ she can't get a picture of them!"

{And you thought AGP was being sweet and loving on her papa!}

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