Friday, January 7, 2011

Back to Reality

The Pennisi family is attempting to re-enter the real world this week! It has been pretty smooth, except for those pesky blood glucose levels! Apparently, the strep, ear infections, and antibiotics wreak havoc on the the body's ability to process blood glucose. We have spent a couple weeks hovering in the 200 - 300 range. Since antibiotic rounds are complete, the doctor at Children's has made some adjustments on AGP's ratios. She also suspects that this bout of illness and meds have ended any "honeymoon"  phase for AGP's pancreas and insulin production.

AGP is loving all her Christmas presents. She is playing with all of them. We may have a Picasso or Monet on our hands. She spends lots of time painting and coloring on her easel. AGP will tell you that her favorite present is Cinderella's Castle. That is no surprise at all!!!

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