Monday, December 27, 2010

As The Worlds Turns ~

Monday before Christmas {remember the trip to see the mermaids} it was strep.
We took our amoxicilin like good patients and we feeling good for Christmas!
{yes, WE, Momma ended up with it too!}
Day 3, a "hivish" like rash started. Antibiotics changed to Keflex.
Took those like a big girl - see how Christmas Day started...

And as the day went on, the worse I felt.
The fever came back, and so did the itching!

Back to doctor on Sunday for fever, rash, itching, and general feeling lousy.
Changed to a 3rd antibiotic for strep and ear infection {not one complaint about an ear ache}
No sleep and rash worsened throughout the night. MISERABLE!
So Monday, we went back again!

Dr. Glaze was back! He swapped us to a 4th antibiotic, a sulfa family this time.
Let's see what happens next...

Can I catch a break?
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