Saturday, August 28, 2010

Guts and Energy

I am trying to work up the nerve to update the blog with one of the new Blogger Templates. I helped a friend start a blog with the new stuff. It was so much easier!! I just am terrified that I will screw up something and lose all the past posts.

Why am I so worried, you ask? Because I am a sorry momma that has NOT devoted myself to keeping a good baby book for AGP. I have general information written in her book, I even have a scrapbook styled one started, but this blog captures her.

I need to find a way to print the posts and pictures to slip into her baby book. Any ideas?

BTW, I do write all her priceless and precious quotes as well as major milestones on the family calendar. Because who doesn't want to remind her at 16 that she did not poot in 2010 she "had fireworks in her butt."

Yep, that is the funny little expression used
when most hysterical and priceless comments
spew from her brain to her tongue to the world!!!


Tiff and Seth said...

It didn't change anything on mine when I changed to the new templates!! Not saying it won't happen to you, but it shouldn't! I am going to research the BLOG2Print thing, though!!!

Shelby's Mom said...

I plan to use this as Shelby's baby book too...I have done a PITIFUL job of keeping up with hers but keep this up regularly :)