Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Even Bubbles and Trash Cans are Better at Disney

I have often wondered and asked John how the cast members stay happy in the heat and crowds. John always says, "You are NOT allowed to be in a bad mood on Disney property."
Yea, ok, whatever. Well, now I know. This poor man had garbage can duty during the pre-parade festivities. It was blazing hot! Kids were getting cranky and needed naps. Misery for most people, but not this guy and AGP! Look at their faces - delight and fun all because of a bubble machine in a garbage can.
Guess it is true ~ You are NOT allowed to be in a bad mood on Disney property and the cast members make sure of it!
{Maybe the delight and pleasure on the little ones' faces
help the cast members stay Happy and not Grumpy!}

"You can design, create, and build the most wonderful place in the world.
But it takes people to make the dream a reality." ~ Walt Disney
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