Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let's Get Ready to Rumble....

In the blonde corner, AGP weighing in at 32 lbs of bubbly blonde enthusiasm!

In the brunette corner, The Umbrella Stand weighing in it 12 lbs of twisted and coiled wrought iron!

The fight lasted 30 seconds, AGP was TKO ed in seconds! The Champ by knock out - no decision necessary - was the wrought iron umbrella stand! AGP lost more than just another fight ~ she lost a toe nail and a decent amount of blood.

The contender cried and screamed for several seconds before the blood started pumping, and pumping, and pumping! By the time we got in the car, she was whimpering and trembling. Pulling into the doctor's office, tears were gone and our brave little fighter was ready for the next round!

Inside the doctor's office, there were no tears ~ just commands for the very loud toddler to be put into time - out for not using his manners. {AGP's directives were also very loud!} When we made it out of the waiting room and to the back ~ the nurses looked and took us straight to a treatment room ~ no exam room for AGP!

After realizing and approving of Dr. Glaze's absence, we read books about dinosaurs counting to ten while the sweet nurse cleaned the toe. Dr. Williams came in and took one look and grabbed her rubber gloves and rattled off a list of supplies. Then she talked to AGP and asked her what she thought she needed to do...

and of course, AGP replied! "Get all the blood off so you can see it! But don't touch it and I don't want to look." Dr. Williams very sweetly and efficiently followed MOST of the directions. After some rinsing, squirts of numbing liquid, and gentle jiggles with tweezers - the sliced and diced nail was off!

As soon as AGP saw her Papa she pointed her finger, tilted her head, and sweetly demanded, "Papa, move that umbrella so it doesn't hurt anymore children!" Then I cried because it was all over - we were in the car on the way home!

This was taken this evening after a careful cleaning in the bath tub.

AGP still refuses to look at the big red toe!

1 comment:

Nanna and Grandaddy said...

Poor big toe! Papa did you move that umbrella stand out of the brunette corner? Nanna and Grandaddy are so sorry you got hurt. Kisses and hugs and it will be better soon.