Sunday, September 27, 2009

We are back - temporarily!

I borrowed one of the camera from school to see if we liked it.
AGP loved saying "CHEESE!"

I loved it! Not sure if we can swing it right now. (Nikon D40)

More than saying cheese - she enjoyed taking my picture too!
The time-out timer can be a happy thing!

The tea party went bad fast! Annie and Leo would not stand up and play nice!
Too bad you can't hear the screaming that went along with the face!

AHHHH! That is better! We moved the party to the table - even Wienie (named after Eloise's dog) could stand up!
And yes - John was oblivious to the entire tantrum!

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1 comment:

kcj said...

I will be glad when things are not so cut and dry at my house too. Tantrums make me want to throw tantrums! Lol...Jeff sits on our couch the same way to watch football - except he has a cruddy old high school quilt that he pulls out. Men are so good at "ignoring."