Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where Does AG Get Her Moods?

Certainly not from her momma!
She is in a foul one today. At 2:30 this afternoon, she started telling MeeMee, "Anna Grace is just tired. Need some juicy and nap blankie - ok, Mee Mee?" They got back to the house in time for me to pick her up. All the way home -she sang "Anna Grace sleepy time" over and over and over again.

Once we got home, AG asked for Einstein's and juice. I gave it to her and then she said, "No, Mommy - milk and Elmo."
What a rough 45 minutes!
Thank goodness for Big Dog, Little Baby, and Winston.
Happy notes: AG insisted on milk in a big girl glass at dinner - no spills. She also begged to take her diaper off because she "have bobo." She wore her Elmo panties for over an hour with no accidents!

I am sure this is one night that John was thrilled to be teaching until 9:00 p.m.

Speaking of Papa - he completed the holiday 08 movie and mailed them today. You should all have your copy for Valentine's Day. I think you will be happy - John truly did an amazing job.

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